Read it like you’re Johnny Rico in Starship Troopers: “Ready to go to Hell?”

Read it like you’re Rico’s Roughnecks: “Hell ya; the devil needs an a$$kicking!”

I would nix the “alien” from the genre and instead call this military sci- fi romance. The only aliens here are like the green dinosaur man from the original Star Trek series. And, the aliens serve a similar 70s aesthetic, namely to be menacing invaders with nonsensical motivations and convenient voodoo sci-fi to support the cheesy romance.

“I know baby … I can’t wait any longer- got to be inside you!”

Like her other series, there’s certain sameness that gives diminishing returns as the books progress.

But, in a three pack of quickie novellas, and if you like this author’s brand of formula schticks and

‘who talks like that’ eye-rollers (and clearly, I do), the cheese is cheddar.

Book 1 – Elle and Marcus – “I’m so empty Marcus, fill me up!”

Rough squad leader and former socialite get together with maximum “that’s it baby” talk. And spanking.

Book 2 – Santha and Cruz – “Yup, puddle of lust.”

Bad and badder play who’s the better alien-dino killer, with delicious Latin lover pet names.

Book 3 – Dr Emerson and Gage – “oh, you fill me up”

The ability to heal any injury with a 1 hour surgery sets up a lot of ‘let’s play doctor.’

Make a scavenger hunt out of spotting the author’s formulas, like the part where:

-His gut clenches because she put herself in danger

-She likes the way he fills out his faded jeans (her Norcross Series luuvs the faded jeans ogle)

-They spar, train, and workout … just the two of them, while sweaty

-He tears her clothes off in lust, literally giving us the bodice ripper

-He enters her in one thrust (author’s note to self: must use ‘thrust’ in sex scene in every book)

-Nobody worries about protection (books 1 and 2 have identical scripts where they get down, and then he assures her that he has a contraceptive implant)

-Wait for it …. “Ready to go to Hell?” … and … “Hell ya; the devil needs an a$$kicking!”