Firstly I don’t often write reviews but sometimes the mood compels me and phew am I compelled.
Ok so first the positives… there are so many it’s hard to wrangle them all. The unique story stands among the boldest of these positives. Lyr is a strong character that thinks she’s weak. I can’t wait to see how she continues to grow in this series. Rhyan, oh high lord Lord Rhyan Hart, Heir Apparent to the Arkasva, High Lord of Glemaria, Imperator to the North… you mean king of consent and not in a cheesy super obvious over the top way. It was in a I respect you and your strength but let me help you kind of way.
Now issues I had and others may not find to be such an issue. This is the first high fantasy novel I’ve listened to in a looong time and sometimes the words like Batavia and Bamaria, forsaken and forsworn were a little too similar without the glossary that’s in the print/ebook. I wish I could have found the glossary on the author’s webpage or anywhere but I couldn’t. As a result the first few chapters I spent trying to figure out what some of the terms were. Once I got my vocabulary sorted I was hooked on this book.
Give this book a chance, Im so glad I did now on to book 2!