I did have some issues with the game mechanics in the first book, which you can read in my review for that book, and they are still here in this book, but having finished the first book, it doesn’t hit so hard in this one.

Anyway, this book picks right up from the first one, and dives right into a mess of issues for our characters. Riley is finally getting himself situated to do more that just buff and heal his comrades, and is actually mixing it up with the villains now.

The pacing is great, the fights are fun, and it gets better every chapter. I really think Mr. Sproul has hit his stride as an author. The book is fun, and I will happily get any more that Sproul writes. Jeff hays, as always is a master vocalist, and only adds to the story with his characterizations of a cast of dozens. The dude has Jedi voice powers, like totally . . .”these aren’t the droids we are looking for”, kinda stuff. Story, performance, and the other skittles are just great. Read it, you’ll be glad you did.