Listened to the whole thing and it was…bearable. AGGRESIVELY mediocre though. I did get SUPER (heh) tired of the narrator having to read RPG style stat lists. There must have been a cumulative hour of that garbage. The main character Felix was also painfully white knighting his way through EVERY interaction with a catalog of tissue thin female characters who seemed to exist solely for the purposes of illustrating what a jewel in the rough everyman turned super daddy he was. The over arching concept has potential and pacing was okay but the story often felt like the late night ramblings of an anime convention panel. Let me save you some pain and highlight that the main character’s primary love interest is a cat girl. Not just any old cat girl, but the bastard love child of Jar Jar and Scrappy Doo who is constantly screeching about pancakes and seeking to warm your heart with kawaii-ness. Ugh.