This is the third book in the Protectors series, which had been recommended to me as something to read after finishing the Wilde books by Lucy Lennox (who co-writes some stories in other series with Sloane). The tone of this series is vastly different, heavier and angstier, without the vibrance and comedic moments of Lennox’s books. I really enjoyed the narration, and the stories have depth, but they’re repetitive. At least one character in every story has a history of (extreme) sexual assualt or childhood abuse. And the characters have a lot of back-and-forth, wishy-washy ‘i want you; no, go away; no, come back’ conflicts. So that element of the stories is frustrating. I want to see more variety in the characterization and backstory setup. If heavy and angsty is what you’re looking for in every book, this is the series for you. But if child abuse or sexual assualt is a trigger for you, stay away from this whole series.