Wow a gut wrenching, emotional, story based on songs by Bon Jovi. Another great wonderful read by LJ Evsns. each book in this series is phenomenal

Seth is a renown junk artist, a recovering Alcoholic, domineering, confident, possessive. But underneath, all he really wants is someone to love him. His broken background keeps him from knowing what real love is. It’s hard for him to communicate his deep feelings with PJ. They only way he can show her is in his sculptures, art and touch.

PJ parents died when she was 13, She lived with her brother who was in college, giving up his dream of going to med school.

Her insecurities and low self esteem in high school gave her a false sense of love. Did the boys really love her or just used her?

PJ never met anyone as intense as Seth. His possessiveness eventually will drive her away

The story is about their emotional break, his letters to PJ and explaining his feelings, his tormented childhood and what was behind his actions.

Seth portrayed their relationship in one of his sculptures. It’s knots twisted, coming together as one. The symbolism in this story shows how broken both are but come together in the end.

Oh I can’t say how much Sarah Puckett and Neill Thorne are phenomenal in their narration. Their voices and personalities for each character were spot on! The ability to transition from one character to the other is flawless. Both showed PJ and Seth at their strongest, weakest and most vulnerable moments. I thoroughly enjoyed listening tothe story.
