While I kind of wish Nic had a little more complicated approach to transitioning so that I could see a story about a man even more like me get into a relationship and be successful, it was still wonderful. Beyond words, wonderful, to see a trans man in a gay love story.
For me, I don’t feel the need to go all the way with my transitioning–just enough to pass so I am not constantly misgendered. I know a lot of trans guys who do want to transition fully like Nic does, though. I hope they find this book, too, and get to see themselves so thoughtfully and compassionately portrayed. I am so pleased with the author’s work for showing Nic without pinning him up for display.
And seeing Kyle, too, was amazing. His confidence and insecurities were laid out so lovingly and beautifully. I want to be more like Kyle.
Joel Leslie gave them both individual voices and really brought everyone to life. I usually struggle to differentiate between voices so it amazes me when I listen to him and am able to tell everyone apart. He’s only one man, but his voice does so much!
This book is difficult to review objectively. It really touched me on a personal level, so my review is a little too personal, too.