Narration is always great! As to the storyline, it’s exciting with lots of action. Heartened to see so many Messianic concepts being shown. The trip to Jerusalem that Everett, Courtney and Sarah take is very detailed and intensely interesting. Of course, Courtney making “leven bread” for the feast of Passover shows a certain lack of understanding because leven represents sin (Matt16:6, 1Cor5:8, Ex12:15-20, Ex23:18*, Lev2:11 and Lev 6:17) while unleven bread/body shows HIS sinless state. Jews that keep the Commandments of YHWH would not only find such behavior ignorant and offensive, but something not to be overlooked with Moshe/Moses and EliYaHu/Elijah there doing the teaching as well as participating in the Feast. Glad to see somewhere other than Petra utilized as the place prepared for the Woman, especially because it falls more in line with Zephaniah 2. Well worth the reading.