A tale about heroes, parenthood, life paths and love. This book follows two characters: Mamoru, first born of four boys in the Matsuda family, the greatest warrior family in Takayubi; and his mother, Misaki, a trained warrior raised to be a housewife, married to aloof Matsuda Takeru. I believe I’ve never cried this much over a book, my husband was actually worried about me. I would recommend you read it whilst in a stable state of mind, as this book addresses heavy topics. I mean, after all, it IS a war story. Trigger warning (slight spoilers ahead): racism, misogyny, blood, death, grief, miscarriage, sexual abuse, violence, severed limbs, suicide, dead children, rape. Characters are well-written, the action scenes are engrossing, and the world-building fascinating. A book full of wisdom.

“… the Gods are the sort of parents who do not wish their descendants to exceed them.”