As an ex gambling addict who has joined GamStop for the maximum 5 years I read this and this was just like reading about me. The same thoughts, the same reasoning and excuses. I started gambling as an escape through lockdown and it became a game of “if I could just win big then it will all be over” I did win big on a couple of occasions and at one point I had savings and bought myself my first car in 27 years, just a second hand one, and I had a bit of security but then a personal tragedy struck and one night in a drunken state I lost a large chunk then got myself into debt trying to win it back. Now I’m £25k in debt and working to pay those debts. I commend you for telling your story and for quashing the stigma around female gambling. I spoke to Stacey on Facebook a few weeks ago and she is the loveliest person. Love and light to you xx