So I think at first I had no words to describe how to review things book. I still don’t even think that I have the proper words to do it justice.
I learned of this book through one of my favorite booktubers who describes this as one of the best representations of mental health issues in a book. And I have to say that I whole heartedly agree!
When Theo and James start off all hit and heavy I had no idea the paths this book would take me down. It was represented so painfully and beautifully!

Theo is new at a publishing house and he goes out for drinks one night with some of his new colleagues, where he catches the eye of a handsome man in the bathroom mirror. Later that night, and after many many drinks, Theo winds up in the bathroom getting felt up by this same handsome stranger, and even though this is something so unlike what he has ever done, he lets this man take him right there in the stall. And it. Is. HOTTTT.

When Theo goes into work the following Monday it is not only he who is shocked to see that the man who banged him in the bathroom over the weekend was his freaking BOSS, but James is shocked as well since he has had trouble getting the young man out of his own mind.

See, right there I knew this book was going to be enjoyable for me! And, the banter between these two men was everything! Theo hates him but is so attracted to him at the same time. And James… he can’t figure out why he wants this man so badly when he never sleeps with the same guy more than twice. The chemistry is sizzling between them.

It doesn’t take long for Theo to see his first bout of James’ psychosis and it terrifies him. But still, he wants so badly to get to know him, the REAL him, even though he is so scared at the same time. I thought that was so realistic and beautiful. He didn’t just jump in and say I don’t care that you’re crazy, he was clear that James scared him… but he still needed to be around him!

As the relationship grows, James has to battle with telling Theo about his demons and his constant inner struggle to avert to his own lying and hiding ways was heart breaking.

This book was so amazing. I love these men and what they mean to each other. I love how ultimately strong they both are in their different ways.