So, a few things. The story was alright but there was a weird emphasis on what everyone was wearing and the very most basic of tattoo/hipster/vinyl fanboy/blah culture. I feel like this was written by some shop groupie that’s really into the whole high school, click identity, edge lord mentality. The whole thing was a bit hate-keep-y.

Overall, not bad, just kind of superficial and the tattoo/clothing/running joke/I’m so cool and counter-culture thing got old rather quickly.

Furthermore, as much as I enjoyed the narrator, he also grated on my nerves. Throughout the entire book it sounded like he was choking back tears or on the verge of. I did appreciate that there was a pretty marked difference in the characters voices, so major kudos there.

I would recommend this book just on the sweetness of the story, I will try to get through the next book, but I feel like I have to gird myself for it.