Any additional comments?
The Empire Corps is a really great series but as always Audible is behind the curve on keeping us supplied with the latest edition.

Wolf’s Bane book 14

The Commonwealth has won a great victory, smashing Wolfbane’s attempt to take Corinthian and driving Admiral Singh’s forces back into enemy space. Now, as the Wolves reel under the impact of their defeat – and powerful factions plot to take control of the government and military – Edward Stalker plans a final offensive to bring the Wolves to their knees.

But as mighty fleets clash in the inky darkness of space, infiltrators struggle to weaken a tottering edifice and both sides brace for the final confrontation, it all comes down to the last Terran Marines and a battle that will determine if the galaxy is to be united once again …

… Or thrown headlong back into a new Dark Age.

Audible has a really poor businesses model for the production of audible books. First other publishers release Paperback and trade editions then months pass before an audible version is planned and placed in production. And all this well after CD version are already on the market