All good Lit RPG’s (and Arguably “Fantasy” books) must have (in my humble opinion)” ;

1 – Interesting character – Slight miss here as the main character is a bit stock and circumstances leading him to the story are somewhat troppish…, but the author gets points for not followings some idiotic naming convention like some LITRPG authors have been doing with the names of their main characters. Names like “Ruin” can ruin a good story. thankfully you don’t see that here.

2 – Interesting leveling system – check

3 – good character and story progression – check

4 – good dialogue with lots of humor – YES HUMOR, THIS IS FANTASY, if I want to be depressed I read the newspaper, and if I want to feel suicidal, I might even watch cable news – so HUMOR ME…err – US (??) , PLEASE ??? – YESSSS (see what I did there…, with the “SSS”…..cause …you know, …snake),… Loads of laughs – check check and check – we all need something to laugh at so any book that goes out of its way to do this gets a big nod.

5 – good narrator – check

so all in all a “not bad” elevated to “Great” due to some good humor, but not quite enough to earn “Fantastic” or Fantastic Plus!