Have you ever listened to one of those books or watched a movie where you listened to the main bad guy, then found yourself low key agreeing with him. Then you start rooting for the bad guys in a weird way…. well this is the exact opposite of that. The main character is a monster with no sense of morality and very little attachment to others. Most of the time your actually kind of hoping someone kills it. People mercilessly die around the MC. So if you have ever played the game grand theft auto and have gone on murderous rampages for amusement, put yourself in that mindset.

Besides the obvious way you can not identify with the main character, this book is extremely entertaining in a perverse kind of way. Honestly dont be discouraged from listening to it. Just brace yourself for a touch of inner turmoil when the MC literally eats a character you may have ended up liking.

Oh and if your wondering if the MC is ever less.. umm stupid eventually it picks up a few brain cells. So if your bothered by its intelligence level just hold on a little. Its just gotta level…alot