Honestly sad I spent a credit on this. Beast is such a hypocrite its impossible to ever like him. He spends all his time brooding over no one looking past his appearance but all (and I mean ALL) he cares about when it comes to Laurent is sex. Then he rages and pouts when Laurent shows any agency over his own body instead of just letting Beast do whatever he wants. He legit thinks at certain points in this book that Laurent OWNS HIM SEX because he has been SUCH A NICE GUY. It’s gross.
Beast doesn’t care that Laurent is clearly having a hard time adjusting. Beast doesn’t care that Laurent just wants to take things slow and be able to say the word ‘no’ whenever. Beasts first thought when he thinks Laurent is *insane* is to feel sorry for himself that only crazy people want to kiss him. Like, seriously, this dude sucks so hard. What a waste of a good narrator and an interesting plot.