Ok so this book has a really good story, but there are some problems I had with it. Just like in the first book, she rambles on A LOT. And at the worst of times. She gets you on the edge of your seats with suspense and thrill.. and then rambles on and on with internal thoughts that she repeats over and over. You thinks it’s about to go down, there’s only a couple of minutes before something big happens. But then she rambles for 3 FREAKING CHAPTERS! And I’m not exaggerating, I counted a few times. It’s very frustrating and feels like she was just trying to make a quota on words, or time. It sucks to be super excited with anticipation, just to get bored waiting, and then your get to the point “OH COME ON ALREADY”! It’s so unsatisfying when it finally happens.

I have to say I was really annoyed with the thoughts of some of her choices in this book too. Why would you poo poo on someone you care about so much?? She’s suppose to be self sacrificial but throws a tantrum for a few chapters, and complains the whole time. You can’t be a hero if your being dragged, kicking and screaming.

Buuuuuuut all of that aside, the plot is reeeeeeally good. I came into this series for the super steamy romance story, but stayed because of all the twists and turns that make it incredibly addictive. I mean, the spicy scenes are great and plentiful, but I didn’t expect the story to suck me in the way it did. I read the first book in 2 days, this one in 2 days, and now im moving on to the 3rd. I can’t put it down! And the tension between Syn and Ryder is exciting. I like the tid bits of lust for her in other support character’s they sneak in here and there. Keeps the possessiveness alive and kicking lol.

The narrators still aren’t very good. I mean the female narrator has a nice voice for a female, buuuuuut that’s it. And it’s only for one female. She has no range in her female and male voices. They all sound almost exactly alike, so that’s a bummer. And the male narrator sounds like a robotic cowboy. I don’t know why they changed it from the first book but ok. He only has a few scenes so it’s bearable and not a deal breaker. All in all a great book and totally recommend!