There are parts of this story that are decent. I REALLY could have done without the Arian Nation and black Gang storylines. They simply were not feasible to me. I also tired very quickly of the language. Despite the language being used within a story line for which one would expect it, it just came off as over used, repetitive, and ridiculously exaggerated. I also don’t believe either’s miscreant group’s leaders would be able to pull off the leadership and organization in the story. They’d all kill each other off within their own groups way before organizing to the extent this book attempted to portray. Character development was weak in my opinion, although I like how the mother of Jeremy was so bad ass, and Jeremy himself was a great character to add to the story. I kind of liked the Cajun army thing too. Maybe that was it, there was just too much going on, not enough character development /or lack of substory behind the characters. I get it all tied together in the end. Not a bad book, just not one of my favs.
Review from The Complete Disruption Trilogy: Books 1 – 3 →