I was really into the book when I first began listening, but as Kellen’s character continued to develop, I was more than uncomfortable. I kept noticing this underlying inappropriate sexual tension between this adult man and an 8 year old child and waited for him to put the kabash on it and become a fatherly figure to her, but nope it continued to get worse and the way Kellen would talk about Wavey putting her arms around his waist while on his bike (at 8 years old), or putting her hand on his belly, or her grabbing his belt buckle (at 10 years old) and finally him drunk, climbing up into her window to give her a gift while she’s in her nightgown (at 10 years old), and crawls into her bed with her was just too much and the last straw.

Not sorry to say this is a wildly inappropriate storyline, but I’m not at all surprised this book was permitted to be published during a time children are being sexualized more and more or that so many people rated it a 5. Makes me sick

When he found her in his house looking at a dirty magazine with a girl giving a guy a blowjob… all you folks who have this 5 stars need to reevaluate your mental state.