This book suffers from a similar problem of the prior book. The main character, Jackson Blackwell, never really feels in jeopardy. Last time I said I wanted to rate the book 3 1/2 stars because of this, but rounded up to 4 because overall I found the story fun. This time I still feel like it is a 3 1/2 star book, but perhaps because the newness of the series’s concept had worn off, I rounded down to 3. I just wasn’t into the story as much.

Now contrary to what I just said, Jackson does get into more trouble than before. The problem is that there is a certain overall template the story goes through as to how he gets out of trouble that gets repeated to the point where it becomes expected. It’s that repeated template that undercuts the tension.

Overall this is an “fine” book worth the listen, and let’s be honest, if you’ve gotten this far in the series you are going to want to listen to this one too. Finally, a special nod has to go out to the 4th wall breaking narration. That was some good stuff.