Ok…3 Books in & I get it, having a gun or 40 guns is important during the apocalypse. At times I would try to count to 50 before there was a reference to guns, shot guns, ammunition or weapons. Defending your family makes sense but GEESH MAN. 2 days into the situation, society completely broke down, people robbing at gun point, raping, starving & desperate. Too quick. The narrator is fantastic except the main character is youngish & he sounds hella old…a little distracting. I appreciated some of the common sense survival tactics & resourcefulness but the dumb women were a lot to take. I have just over an hour left of story while I type this. During this time the amount of times guns & ammo have been mentioned is insane. Not to mention welfare recipients & Mexicans will rob everone blind 5 minutes after poop hits the fan. Again gun protection during a societal break down would be important just admit that the NRA sponsored this whole book. OVERBOARD & EXCESSIVE.