In a genre of Cthulhu monsters and elder gods, this was expectedly strange and unique. The weird western setting was a cool start, with the hook of a soldier trying to find out how his team was killed on a mission. The many twists and clues about who was responsible and how our hero would respond led to a fast paced journey through the strange and magical blend of realities. The middle of the book lost me at times, and had portions where I lost interest in the plot, but I rode out the last three hours and thought it had a great ending. Part of my problem was the compounding grimness of the feel and succeeding stages in the plot. The ending offered a piece of hope that helped enhance my empathy for the characters going forward, and as a kind of relief from the mostly depressing tone of the rest of the book. The narrator, Jeffrey Kafer does a great job as always, and certainly fits the bleak feel. This one landed a little outside my preference for dystopia/post-apocalyptic in this sense, but the creativity in world building and plot twists could make this a great read for someone with a bit different preferences on tone.
3.5/5 stars
Review from Cthulhu Armageddon →