So this narration was a bit of a chore for me, he sounded like he was trying a little too hard to sound rough, and some of it came off as elderly which didn’t fit with the characters. I know 70 year old men who don’t sound this strained and run down. I wish Tex had had at the very least Jazz’s voice and he’d went them lighter for Jazz. The dialogue at one point says it only took him 28 years to get something so I was like, is that supposed to be their age? They sounded like great grandpas, the laughing was the worst. Sounded like a alcoholic Santa Claus, and then the mix of that twang too made me unable to take it seriously at points. And Logan, Raven and Rebel were all wrong as well. And I get Crave was a madman but the voice for him was cartoon villainous. It made it really difficult to get into the story where as even the first story with the random whistling and random pauses was easier to listen too. The story is very well written and that comes through despite the mismatched voice acting which is a testament to the writers, and though this particular story isn’t my favorite I love the rest of the series. I’m not sure if I’ll continue though as it looks like this particular narrator does the rest of the series which is a bit of a disappointment for me. Narration I give a 2 because there was an effort even if I didn’t particularly enjoy it. The Story I give a 4, maybe it should be a 5 if I could have really got into it but again the narration always kept me somewhat removed.