The Lily Morton/Joel Leslie author/narrator combo absolutely cannot be best. Lily writes fantastic stories with great characters who are fully brought to life and imbued with even more personality by Joel’s perfection of a performance.

The book, in Morton’s well-loved winning style, combines humor, snark, sass, and gut wrenching emotion to deliver an immensely entertaining story.

Joel Leslie’s performance (because it is truly the work of a talented voice actor) makes the entire thing come to life. Having watched him record during Facebook Live sessions I can see how much effort he puts in and how much work it is. His level of perfectionism is what makes him stand out among the narrators I listen to. He is absolutely my favorite narrator. In this book the sheer number of immediate changes between not only different characters but characters of different genders and accents is flawless.

I will be listening to this one again and again.