I’ll start by saying, overall, this is an excellent story. I hadn’t been quite sure when I first bought it. The sample didn’t really do much more than show me that the narrator was good at his job. The brief description sounded like it might be fun, and so I took a shot in the dark.

Overall, I’m glad I did. The story does a great job at keeping you on the edge of your seat, It’s at moments blindingly funny, while still having lots of action. The 12 hours seemed to fly by.

I will say this, there is a moment perhaps 8 – 9 hours into the story, where the story gets a little odd. I’m not even really sure if I can point out what the problem is. i just know that for nearly 90 minutes perhaps 3 hours before the story ends, I went from not being able to put the book down, to having to force myself to continue, only for the story to pick up again.

It ended strong, and I’m looking forward to the second book, but there was an issue there near the end.