Secrets abound of what happened to Sarah at 2 am, did she really slip on the ice outside the mansion home, and yet fiancé didn’t call 911. She’s been in a coma, the father thinks she was pushed, and wants answers. The Keeper as he goes by, soon finds, that he has two sides working against him, and neither really want the truth, and he wonders why. With the help of. Blood, he gets them. Can be read alone, good edge, to this mystery.
Fast Paced, it has it all the old recipe for a great plot, greed, revenge, meeting someone on line, in his area then getting ripped off. The man comes to Jack, and Jack wanting to get the 9 grand back for him.
It leads him to Arbor Hill and a femme fatale, that could led him into trouble. The plot came alive with the audio read by.Andrew.Werhlen.
Marconi, trying to find solace in his whiskey, after Val left. When Jim came to see him, one of the three amigo from high school, and one has now died, Marconi adds, and the past has now come back to haunt you. Steve has found religion, and now wants to go forward and tell what happened. The Three was involved in an incident that turned badly when in high school. Marty Finnegan said to have died of heart attack. Publicity would ruin him, his wife and children as well as Steve’s. If it became known what part they played. Jim wants Marconi to go see Steve and persuade him to keep quiet. This was just. the beginning,there was more players, a more bitter vendetta in play. How Marconi handles this plot, is full of twists and turns. Readers will be glad they read.
Given ARC audio for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.