OK where to begin! I am at home during the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic. I was excited that this book came out because I really like the series! But at the same time a bit concerned that the author Mr. Allan would so over describe and write his characters to so second guess all of their decisions that it would just make the book a pill to get through as he has done on a couple of other book. I have been able to mostly accept it because the previous books spent a lot of time going through the battles that were being waged. So for me it was worth it. BUT on this book it seems all he did was over describe and second guess. One time out of frustration when I arrive at a light that just turned red I turned the volume down so i would not have to keep hearing it and when the light turned green several minutes later he was still over describing a simple action that happens throughout the book. What a shame because the epic battles were not discussed or described in favor of a “days of our lives” theme. SO VERY FRUSTRATED with this particular book, 10 hours could literally be cut into 5 hours of actual story. Such a shame because it is an incredible story line with amazing opportunities for epic deeds of heroism and strategy. Please return to the story line it is incredible and you have a great deal to build on just leave the second guessing and over descriptions out. Describe the battle and technology and ships instead please