This book is worth reading for the explanation of inflation and the US national debt, things I did not know before. The story is very entertaining and teaches and explains a lot of useful things.

Book encourages respect for the Bible and many good quotes from it as well as quotes from founding fathers. Reliance on prayer demonstrated in practical ways. General principles of Christianity encouraged. Very much enjoyed the Bible reading from Deuteronomy and 2 Kings as well as other scriptural references. Very much appreciated the stated truths that life begins at conception and abortion is murder.

Much practical information – food storage, solar, wind, water energy, water storage.

Learned a lot about the constitution.

Story line excellent. This is the second time I have listened to the story and I will listen to it several more times to pick up information I missed as well as for the entertainment value.

I have the 2 sequels to this too.

Thank you Mark Goodwin for writing such a great book, thank you Kevin Pierce for
delivering it in such an appealing way, and thank you Audible for the venue.