The story is good with a lot of potential for a long series. Could go many different directions. There’s a variety of characters. Would like to see where the author goes with this one.

However, the choice of narrators was poorly done. Feels like whoever chose the narrator just threw their hands in the air and picked one out of a hat without any consideration of the story and how they would portray the individual characters.

Harem books in particular with a lot of female dialogue should not be narrated by a guy who sounds like he smokes a pack a day. He would be great narrating a western or something similar to that, but NOT a harem book.

He CANNOT do a female voice. To me the MC’s voice should be younger sounding more enthusiastic excited for adventure! He’s a young professor who loves exploring. The narrator really ruins the book for me personally.

In my opinion these types of books with a lot of female dialogue should either have both a male AND female narrator, or a female narrator that can do a good male voice. The targeted audience for these types of books (males mostly) listen to these books for the story, and ladies. And listening to some old guy narrate what is suppose to be some sexy woman absolutely ruins it.

To the authors or whoever is choosing the narrators for these books. Take a little time and do some research. You will undoubtedly get a better return on your books if you have a decent narrator that CAN narrate the material as it was intended to be interpreted as. I.E. a young woman should sound like a young woman not a 60 year old man.

I would suggest taking a look at some other authors and their review numbers compared to authors that don’t have quality narrators.

Like – Eric Vall, Logan Jacobs, Tamryn Tamer, Hondo Jinx, Randi Darren, Daniel Schinhofen, just to name a few of the authors that care about their stories and the end product.

All that being said the story is great. It’s an old trope but there is a lot of potential here. Just get a narrator that fits the story. Your customers will thank you!