This was so amazing! I really felt the tension and the pain it took for Liam to make the reach to being an out and proud man in a partnership. Keira did a really nice job with the pacing. Cody’s constant, unwavering support matched his age and experience, while Liam was understandably lagging behind and so, so fearful but when he does make the transition it felt authentic.
I loved learning about Barkers beach and the life of full time lifeguards. I always learn so much when I read Keira’s books – they are so clearly well researched. I also loved all the new slang I learned!
This was not my favorite sexual theme, I’m not real keen on D/s but it was gentle and it really felt necessary for Liam and his development romantically.
Joel Leslie is super fantastic and wonderful – as always!
Highly recommended!
5 stars