The book gripped my attention from start to finish. I’ve read a review below that stated that this was a sports book, and while the theme of the book surrounds the combat, it’s not only that, the book focuses heavily on the rapid changes that the main character experiences in life. At it’s core this book is about the main character’s pursuit of their dream and the realities of life and personal struggles that holds him from it. The story focuses just as much of the industry of the combat as the combat itself, which in my opinion was great it added just enough drama and world building to make the main plot more me.

My only small issue was the pacing in the first half. While i think the three character’s had an ending that they deserved at the book’s conclusions, i couldn’t say the same about the mid way arch. The rapid decision that the main character comes too and his actions from it don’t seem to flow well with the previous events. While I understand why they were necessary, in my opinion they didn’t fit.

regardless of that, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and i’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

TL:DR – If you looking for a story with interesting and realistic characters give this story a go. It’s got everything you could want in this type of novel.

Thanks for writing it,
