Jeffery Kafer is amazing, and C.T. Phipps did amazing on this book! I recieved this book as a gift from C.T. Phipps after a discussion we had and told him I would thank him by at least leaving a honest review. I will try leaving this as spoiler free as possible.

9/10 Would Definately Recommend

Reminds me a bit of Hitman, but almost like a a prequel to the Technomancer novels(M.K. Gibson) as well. The book seems well thought out, decent amounts of seriousness and humor. Gret character development for a mid sized book as well. I have listened to books 24 hours long that lack the character building CT Phipps does in 6 to 10 hours.

The Good:
C.T. Phipps does an amazing job giving characters emotions that listeners can relate to. There are many situations, good and bad, G or others were in in the book that I’d respond as. He humanizes G in ways that’s also surprising and honestly, is what breaks it away from the typical “Brainwashed Agent” role. G, even as a professional, feels emotions, has values, and ultimately… has goals. I was hooked from the beginning to the end and will be continuing on with the series.

The Bad:
Theres not much to say here. If anything, it is a bit slow to pick up steam, but even then, it’s not uninteresting. To also be fair, very few books have ever done so, the Supervillainy series(also by CT Phipps) was able to do it, so I was kinda hoping for the same here. Also in a part of the book it starts to randomly switch into flashback mode with no warning, again, not quite a bad thing for me, but some readers(as such, my friend who got me into audible) said it annoyed him. I did say I’d mention that, but he also did say that, and I quote “Yeah I dont care for that, but it’s not done in such a way that other authors have done it to the point the whole story is derailed with flashbacks so kudos to CT Phipps”.