In the different Fae realms, each type rules and keeps to their own. But when Shade (Shadow) bites Aflora, against her will, which is strictly forbidden, the Midnight Fae realm is thrown into uncertainty, as they wait to see how the bite will impact her. But there’s more to this situation, and it is hinted at multiple times – the “accidental” bite, clearly not so accidental, but the larger motives are yet to be revealed. While Aflora struggles being separated from her Elemental Fae realm, where she is the sole remaining Earth Fae royalty, new magic awakens within her that both scares and exites her. And the Midnight Fae charged with watching her, Prince Kols, Zeph, and Shade, are all drawn to her, even though any kind of relationship would be strictly forbidden, and could mean their deaths. But as things progress, and emotions can’t be held back any longer, Aflora is left feeling betrayed, and looking for revenge.

This is definitely a dark, twisted story – if you don’t like that kind of thing, then this isn’t for you. It deals with dubious consent, and bullying aspects, but these aren’t humans, and don’t have human morals or guidelines, so if you can get onboard with that, you’ll definitely enjoy this ride.

The narration is spot on, with multiple narrators taking on all the primary characters, providing unique and fitting voices for each of them, and as an added bonus, all dialog is done by each characters narrator, regardless of the chapter POV. This lends beautifully to the overall enjoyment and immersion into the story.