I’ve purchased and listened to pretty much every LitRPG series available on Audible. I had resigned myself to the fact that there were no more decent new series being generated and I would have to wait until the series I do like released new books.
Then I found this series. It is very enjoyable and I went through the first three books in a matter of days and am eagerly awaiting the fourth book, which I saw is out in print.
It has all the hallmarks of a great LitRPG series; defined system, a ‘relatively’ plausible reason for being in such a world, loot, really fun and smart main character, side kicks, humor, epic battles, strategy, variable races and classes, etc. You get the point.
Great series that is set up to be quite long considering there are like 18 levels and after three books they have only transitioned a handful. One of the few books / series were the overall rating is actually accurate. Tired of seeing overall ratings of 4.5 and having the book suck and almost all of the reviews negative. At the time of this writing, the overall rating is 4.9, and that is accurate.
Have fun and kill kill kill…