Like the first book there is a vary strong plot centered core to this book, well two, but they are directly feeding into the wonderful characters who take center stage for the whole book. This is one of my favorite series for characterization in the genera.

Like the other DDU series this book is full of references, but the references feel… less out of place. I’m not sure if it’s because their more subtle, because the main charecter is so silly, or simply because I’ve gotten used to it but I’ve felt a lot less like I want to comment on them and a lot more that I want to comment on the charecters.

I can’t wait to read the next book, in fact I’m going to start listening to it in just a few minutes when I’m done writing this. This series is very refreshing and I’m hoping that I won’t get any fetigue before the end. If I do, I suppose I can always listen to a book in the middle. After all, I do have my literary plan.

DDU series are more numeras then VGO series, or at least it feels that way. I’m not sure weather sheer numbers agree. It’s just that these series are far more long winded than the short and new VGO book lines.