I liked the story arc, having the two views of SHTF from different angles and in real time, but the writing is just…off. And the writing combined with the narration made this, for me, not worth the time to finish it. Mind you, I gave this several hours of my time, so it’s not like I didn’t try. The narration could easily be instructions on assembling an end table. The narrator speaks clearly, but with little emotion and zero nuance. I listened to the sample and I guess I just didn’t pick this up.

And the author goes into insane details on unimportant things. For instance a guy and his date getting in the car to go out to diner would be a single sentence. But here it’s written as a full paragraph, with details written about locking the house, opening the car door, closing said car door, turning the key, starting the car, turning on the lights, then driving away, I kept thinking all that detail would lead to some payoff, but it never did. I finally simply gave up on it.