The story evolves around a prepper who turns out, when the shit hits the fan, is not all that well prepared as he thought. All his family are away and are trying to make their way back and we follow the individual family members on their journey.
This feels like your typical run off the mill apocalypse story complete with marauding biker gangs and gun praising conservatives.
The whole ‘Jenny’ plot was very annoying, since it is soooooo glaringly obvious what is going on, but our smart prepper protagonist somehow does not get it…
If you want something to listen to in the background this might be nice, but there is nothing really new and exciting about the story which is why I won’t be back for any sequels.

Kevin Pierce’s performance on the other hand was once again stellar! He is the perfect narrator for this kind of story, which, I guess, is why he narrates so many of them 🙂 The book was definitely improved by his narration.

I was provided with a copy of this book by the narrator in exchange for an honest review.