I really liked all the details the author poured into this book and I could tell that they really put a lot of thought into the world that they were trying to build.

The narration was definitely spot on with the narrator demonstrating a range of distinct voices for many different characters including men, women, and beast (and deities?).

My only point of contention with this book is that I felt absolutely no chemistry or spark or relationship with the MCs. In particular: Adale was a very weak character, in the sense that she practically has no presence in the book. I just couldn’t feel at which point they were getting close. Even toward the end, I felt like their relationship was incredibly rushed and I couldn’t really feel, at any point in the story, where the “I love you” was warranted.

Overall: I believe this book was good, I enjoyed my time in the world of Inthya and I took the adventure in stride. I wouldn’t really classify this book as a romance novel, and if it is, it is very light. It centers more about the world, the religion and the politics more than the relationship of the MCs. I feel like this book is a good read for a day, however, I probably won’t return to this particular one in the series any time soon.