Cons (may contain spoilers): I really wanted to like this book because Kevin Pierce. There were parts that were good then it would fall flat again. I’ve read great reviews of the author so I may try another book of hers but I’m not sure. I really felt this book should have been one of those free previews of a series. It doesn’t end so much on a cliffhanger but just ends abruptly… more like the end of a chapter than any real resolution at all. It’s only purpose was to honestly get you to buy the next book. Also, if I heard "fight like a man" one more time I was probably going to scream. Sure, I get it. They were trying to make the point that not every prepper is fully prepared. But this was ridiculous. Finally, the author really left a LOT open ended. I practically listened back through the entire book to figure out why they were so sad about the other brother and son and had to tell the wife terrible news. Either I completely missed it or this was another ambiguous character drama being built. The ending with the mentally challenged kid… OMG! No. I can’t even.
Pros: Kevin Pierce does a stunning job (as usual) narrating. Every now and then a good story arc would happen but then it was really short-lived.
Verdict: I really, really wanted to like this book but in the end really felt I’d wasted 6 hours of my life. Any book that makes you go back and immediately reread it because you were missing a completely story line at the end… to find it really just wasn’t there… sigh.