However, I occasionally got lost during sudden transitions and initially had a hard time distinguishing between worlds. After I got used to everything the story was really growing on me, the intrigue, convuluded plots by the characters, secrecy, was loving it all. However, by the end I felt like the story had lost its focus, some of the characters seemed to have been forgotten and thrown back in at the last moment for no reason other than to say “hey I didn’t forget them”, even though we literally haven’t had the character do anything important since the first book. Others were brought in in increasing importance naturally evolving within the story only to be pushed out for the climax. Idk, maybe it was initially a story that could fit into 3 books and it just grew out of that, maybe there wasn’t enough that the author had to fill out a 4th book. Anyway you look at it, half the characters got shorted.

I didn’t like the conclusion of the series. It felt like a betrayel of the morals the main character was fighting to keep, and that is my biggest reason for the 3 star rating. Maybe other readers feel different, but I feel that the conclusion was a betrayel of the main character’s character. Throughout all the books he’s fighting within himself in both worlds struggling to keep his morality and reconcile it with the world, and actions of those he’s surrounded by. The big secret that literally everyone is trying to keep from him, because he’d kill a bunch of people, which he does. He kills his twin, then both his lovers twins get into a duel and one dies and its just hunky-dory after, and they don’t care? It doesn’t make sense.