As always, Mr Jackson has done it again. I enjoyed every minute of this horrific tale, not what happened, but the telling of it. The inside look at the lives of 2 demented young men, their thoughts and those around them. As with very few other True Crime authors, Mr Jackson obviously spends a lot of time interviewing those involved, reading court transcripts, and attending trials. Never bland, always interesting and truthful. As with his other books, it’s not so much about the crime as it is in the telling of it. Some reviews, as he mentions at the end of this release, have obviously upset some people. No better way to know that you have heard, or read, an honest account of what happened. I did some of my own research upon completion of my listen, everything I found confirms his account of this horrific tale. A sad, but true story of not only the events leading up to the crime, but the lasting effects on those involved. Mr Jackson; another job well done! I must also mention that Kevin Pierce was fantastic, as I have come to expect.