The Games of Supervillainy picks up where book one leaves off, but Gary and Cloak are in for a rude awakening because what seemed like seconds for them has been weeks for everyone else and Zombies have taken over.
Once again, we have a book about a man trying to convince himself and everyone else he is a supervillain when he is a good guy with a skewed moral compass. You know he kills bad guys. Weird right?! He also has no issue extorting or robbing the rich. LOL
If this is a genre that you love, I think you would fall in love with this series. For me, it was fun, but after book 2, I am not sure if I will continue with it. It is fun and extremely entertaining and very Deadpool-Esq. I am a romance girl at heart, and superhero fantasy isn’t something I read or listen to daily. But it was a fun change for a bit.
I am rating The Games Of Super Villainy 4 Boundless stars, and it is great fun.