This is the first book of a trilogy. It is a mm adventure/romance with references to sex, but no explicit sex scene, which was refreshing. One of the things I love about Kim Fielding’s books is her world building and there is a lot of that in this first book. Ennick is the 2nd son to The Chief of a alternative society where certain crimes are punishable by being put in Stasis. This is a society where being gay is illegal and slavery thrives in the name of civil order. Because Ennick is not the heir, he searches for meaning in his life, resigned that he can never be who he truly is under his father’s rule.

When he is exposed to the prisoners held in Stasis, a certain prisoner calls to him. Ennick feels a special pull to this prisoner, Miner. His journey sees him rescuing Miner while navigating the expectations of his father and facing down a corrupt wizard. There is romance, intrigue and a HFN ending, what’s not to love. The ending left me anxious for the next chapter in Ennick and Miner’s adventure.

Joel Leslie puts on a masterful performance. He really brought this story to life.

I was given a free copy of this audiobook in return for an honest review