It goes without saying RC Bray is FANTASTIC Jeffrey Kafer…umm after over 700 books this may be my 1st encounter with his work OR he did a really bad job on purpose; he sounded like an arrogant sports news caster from the 80’s, but after a while it did fit the character so it could have been purposely ham handed The Story- Well really lets talk about the author….Jeremy Robinson should have left out the forward and closing statement because he sounded full of himself, as if he created something so new and so profound that we should all hail his genius… dude you’re a great writer but this story, the exact same story, has been done so many times…I mean you even had the characters comment on scenes from the Matrix on several occasions and everyone understood that movie was an allegory with religious, i was going to say undertones but with a character name Trinity and Neo…The One, in love and saving the world, well that’s pretty blatant, as is your rip off of the same story. Now the story…nope sorry I have to say it again about the author…it was a very good story and I’d recommend anyone to read it just skip over the authors forward and end comments because it’ll piss you off how much he sounds like he’s patting himself on the back for what is basically a rehash off the matrix… hey even the Bible states “ there is nothing new under the sun” and every story is a re-work off of another… there are only so many tales, but when an author acts as if his ISN’T anything other than just another way of describing the answer of which we all seek then that is just annoying. Seriously now, the story-Overall the story is pretty cool, it will make you question if it is real or is the antagonist a psychopath right til the end…and them some but in no way will it cause you to have new deeper snd more profound musings about reality and our “Creator” etc. Get over yourself dude… just remain humble and your readers will remain faithful. A reader, Arí Saint Marie