1. I don’t need to hear every character’s full stat sheet with titles every time they get a new power.
2.(spoiler) the way Ryun “shared” his inspiration with anrush makes 0 sense. The fact that you can “share” inspiration and elevate someone to your same tier is completely ridiculous. Maybe if the author put more limits on it or made it so they went one tier under I would still consider it stupid but tolerable. As it stands I’m doing everything in my power to erase my memory of that idiocy.
3. The fact that anyone can just walk up to a dome and open it “early” is pretty dumb.
4. The narrator is great with narrative but awful with character voices. Particularly female characters. I feel bad saying this because I completely understand that when you have a deeper voice it makes it more difficult to go high. That being said his female is terrible.
5. The whole Selia ark comes from left field.
Overall this book was good. A bit too much going on to be honest but it’s made tolerable by a creative world and the potential this story has. I’d like to see a bit more structure to the power system and have the author go over the character sheets less.