I don’t submit written reviews often, mostly because I’m an abysmal writer. (seriously, I deleted that first sentence, like 5 times and you’ll see from my overabundance of comas throughout this review I have zero grasp of punctuation) . That being said I’m very picky when it comes to the books I purchase. If I feel like I’m never going to listen to a particular book again I have zero qualms about returning it (but only if I haven’t finished it otherwise I kinda feel bad about it) Anyways this is a review. This book was great……. You know I almost left it there but I don’t want a “not helpful” thumb so yeah, great book, still hilarious and its nice to see Carl’s and Princess Donut’s characters and relationship grow and evolve as they barley escape one crazy scenario after another. I love Carl’s character, how he tries to do what is right even when its clearly not the safe path. And its not contrived. I can’t tell you how much a contrived plot line pisses me off. It needs to feel like whatever happened could ACTUALLY happen and it needs to make sense and not feel forced. I downloaded the next book before I finished this one and you can’t get a better endorsement from me than that.
But… the real reason I wrote this review is the narration. First off I am SUPER critical of narration. If the narrator doesn’t convey the character in the way the author meant for it to be, it takes me right out of the story. Its jarring and if it happens to many times then…return purchase. There is nothing worse than a narrator getting it wrong. Jeff gets it right… better than right! He does such a fantastic job with these characters and his range is simply astounding. From the deep base of Carl to the high (can’t think of the right word to put here, was gonna say timbre buuuut that doesn’t sound right so well go with… voice) of Donut is mind blowing. And he acts it out. He doesn’t just read it with emotional intent, he really ACTS it out, like a voice over artist recording for a AAA game or an animated movie. This guy is extremely talented. Take it from a guy who fanboys over voice actors more than any other famous group of people, Jeff is one of the best and has become one of my new favorites. You’ll understand what Im talking about when you listen to this book. Its a great book….