The audio performance was really over the top!
The sound effects really added to the atmosphere and the acting was spot-on. The story overall was great, but I have one minor gripe. It’s more of a personal feeling.
The author makes you read from the perspective of the villain at times, and although this does make it a different style, I find living it out as disgusting. Not the style of writing itself, but I am not the kind of person that likes to read from an evil person’s perspective. The villains in this book severely demented and causes unspeakable harm to those around him, with self rightous delight. You are forced to live out those experiences not as the victims, but as the perpetrator. I found myself sometimes skipping a few seconds ahead just because I didn’t want to listen to more thoughts and actions from an insane sadist. It does make you hate the villain for sure, but I just don’t perfer this method nof story telling. I still recommend giving the book a chance. Overall it’s a fantastic book, with some great ideas. If you don’t like the villain parts just skip ahead a by a few seconds, you don’t miss anything important.
To the top of the world tree!