To be honest. If I was reading this book as a freebie or on Amazon Prime, I may have dropped it after a few chapters. None of the the Characters seemed likeable…besides maybe House, for the first few chapters. The MC seemed to be a rich entitled prick with a me against the world complex, who makes a few dick moves. The main developer of the game was an unethical hobo piece of trash who keeps saying changes were for the good of the game, but were obviously petty vengeance. And well Frank was mostly an annoying jerk.

And yet, as the story develops the MC develops and you learn more about him and start to understand why the way he is and I had basically guessed the reason for his company’s collapse before it was explained near the end of the book. True he isn’t perfect and you want to smack him a few timews, but ultimately I ended up respecting his dreams and goals. The Interactions also improve between Frank and Ned from frenemies almost Competing siblings which provides a good amount of entertainment and good comedic value. I still think the main Developer is a jerk, but could easily have made things worse for him.

So I really suggest you stick with it until the end, and you won’t be disappointed… I am purchasing the next book as I type this, which should be my best endorsement.