If you’re thinking about getting this audio book, I recommend you do so. The story itself is captivating and kept me listening for hours on end. It is an underdog story, and the author loves to remind you so. The protagonist is on an uphill battle for the entire story, and you can’t help but root for him the whole way. In my opinion, the book itself reads like a video game. More specifically, it feels like the main storyline to a great RPG.

My one complaint about this audiobook is that the voice actor seems to lack emotion when there should be emotion. I don’t mind the “normal voice” that we all use in everyday life the majority of the time, because usually nothing more is required. However, there are more intense moments when the protagonist is angry, happy, sad, scared, etc. that the voice actor does a poor job of relaying. There are only a couple of moments where the voice actor changes the tone of their voice, with the exception of different voices for different characters.

Other than that one complaint, which could be a deal-breaker for some, I absolutely loved the book. I recommend this book to anyone that enjoys an underdog story, fantasy, and even sci-fi(which the author does an amazing job of blending sci-fi and fantasy). Easily a 9/10 book for me. The author, Will Wight, did an amazing job, and I look forward to finishing the rest of his work.