Uncrowned was once again another strong entry into the series. However, it was not quite as strong as the rest of the series.
Understand, however, I think this was totally necessary to set up where this series is going to go. there were many elements that in this book that made the book great and you should definitely read it and continue the series.
I have seen many angry people writing reviews on this book, and I understand why. This book shifts a little from the previous formula. In the main fight, you are looking forward to doesn’t happen in this book. There is not as strong a focus on progression. There are some details on training and other things that are glossed over. So yes, I can see how some might not like that as much. However, I say once again, I feel like this was most necessary. This is a long story with much instore. Sometimes we need a bit more world-building to really set the stage for what is going to happen next. and I feel that this is exactly what is happening in this book.
In conclusion, read this book. Take it as a bit of world-building and stage setting for the next. Take the negative reviews with a grain of salt. This book is not like the others, but that’s okay. Just enjoy where the series is going. See you all in the next book!